5 Easy Back-to-school Breakfast Ideas

The main reason to have breakfast is to give your blood sugar levels the best chance first thing - it’s going to set you up for the rest of the day and avoid those 10am munchies. But breakfast probably needs to be quick and really simple - there’s j…

Breakfast: Why Bother?

I know breakfast is something busy midlifers can really struggle with. For many people it has to be quick and really simple - there’s just no time to be sorting the school run, cooking and getting out the door, so no wonder tea, toast and cereal are popular go-to options.

If you’re just not a morning person or the the thought of eating before work makes you feel sick, at least take something to work that you can have when you arrive.

Why bother? You want to give your blood sugar levels the best chance first thing - it’s going to set you up for the rest of the day and avoid those 10am munchies.

If you can’t stomach food but do need a coffee to get out of the door in the morning, I’ve got a few ideas which might help. In my Midlife Meal Planner (see below) I’ve included three drink options (including a modified coffee) to stop those blood sugar level spikes, and then troughs, that stimulants, like coffee, can cause.

Five Easy To Do Breakfast Boosters:

You can find all these recipes right here, so why not give one of them a go this week? Some of them are quicker to make than your usual breakfast options.

A Healthy Breakfast if You’re Trying to Shift Recent Weight Gain

  • Reduce your cereals (and hidden sugars) They stress the liver and digestive system which are important for processing hormones. If you want help with getting rid of carb cravings, join the FREE 5 day sugar free challenge that I’m running as a live event 16th-20th September.

  • Factor in some protein and fat This will keep you fuller for longer and your blood sugar levels balanced. Try eggs, nuts, fish – keep processed meat like bacon and sausage to an absolute minimum.

  • Add in some veggies It’s hard to eat too many veggies so try to get some into your breakfast. This could be in a green smoothie (that doesn’t have too much fruit and includes protein and fat). Add spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes to eggs. Add a quarter of avocado to your smoothie or eggs. For extra help, why not grab my 7 day meal plan for midlife weight loss below and get started straight away?

Take Action Today! 

I’m a fan of small but significant steps to changing eating habits. Don’t expect yourself to do everything straight away. Just try something different and see if it helps. That’s my short and sweet challenge today. And if my suggestions have got you thinking, why not go in depth with this 7 day meal planner to help shift midlife weight gain?


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The information contained above is provided for information purposes only. The contents of this blog are not intended to amount to advice and you should not rely on any of the contents of this blog. Professional advice should be obtained before taking or refraining from taking any action as a result of the contents of this blog. Midlife Menu Ltd disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on any of the contents of this blog.