My Top 5 Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks

Tempting snacks are everywhere. We already make over 200 food decisions a day so now wonder it can be hard to stay on track, especially if you're trying to lose weight. This blog gives you my 5 favourite weight-loss friendly snacks to curb those bet…

Five Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks

The words “weight-loss” and “snacks” often appear in the same sentence.  But that might also bring thoughts of "tasteless," "cardboard," and "completely unsatisfying." Right?

Let me give you my best weight-loss friendly snacks that aren't just nutritious but also delicious! Having these in the house or packed with you when out and about will help you resist the temptation of unhealthy snacks which can derail you, especially if you’ve worked hard to have healthier main meals.

What’s my criteria you ask?

They have to be nutrient-dense whole foods where a little goes a long way; foods that contain protein and/or fibre with very little sugar.

#1 Nuts or seeds

It’s true - nuts contain calories and fat, but they are NOT fattening!

Well, I’m not talking about the “honey roasted” ones, of course. Those probably are fattening.

Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier and leaner.

By the way, nuts also contain protein and fibre, which means a small amount can go pretty far in terms of filling you up. Not to mention the vitamins and minerals you can get from nuts. This is why nuts were also one of the top breakfast foods in this post.

Did you know that almonds have been shown to help with weight loss? At least 10% of the fat in them is not absorbed by the body, and almonds can also help to boost your metabolism!

Tip: Put a handful of unsalted/unsweetened nuts into a small container and throw it in your purse or bag.


If you find nuts a bit boring, put a baking tray of almonds in the oven to roast (about 180 degrees and check after 10 minutes and then every 5 minutes) until they look toasted. Allow to cool before storing in an air tight container. The flavour of all nuts and seeds is intensified by toasting…yum!

To make seeds more interesting, put a mixture of sunflower and pumpkin seeds in a baking tray and spread out to form a thin layer. Bake at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes until they’re starting to change colour. Put the tray on a flat surface and shake soy sauce over the seeds while still hot. Mix this around with a fork and allow to go cold before storing in an air tight container. These are lovely as snacks or sprinkled on top of salads for extra flavour.

Get both recipes here.

#2 Lower sugar fresh fruit

As with nuts, studies show that people who tend to eat more fruit, tend to be healthier. (I’m sure you’re not too surprised!)

Yes, fresh fruit contains sugar but whole fruits (I'm not talking juice or sweetened dried fruit) also contain a fair bit of water and fibre; not to mention their nutritional value with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Some fruits have a higher sugar content than others – berries have the lowest sugar – plus eating fruit with some protein, fat or fibre is recommended. Fibre is something that not only helps to fill you up (known as the "satiety factor") but also helps to slow the release of the fruit sugar into your bloodstream and reduce the notorious "blood sugar spike."


Try eating your fruit with a handful of nuts.

Tip: Can't do fresh? Try frozen. Plus, they're already chopped for you.

Do you feel you’ve got a sweet tooth? Or are you struggling to get back on track after the Easter? If so, you can join the 5 day post-Easter reset which kicks off on Monday 13th May - sign up below…

#3 Chia seeds

This is one of my personal favourites…

Chia is not only high in fibre (I mean HIGH in fibre), but it also contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids (yes THOSE omega-3s!). As well as antioxidants, calcium, and magnesium.

Can you see how great these tiny guys are?

They also absorb a lot of liquid, so by soaking them for a few minutes, they make a thick pudding (that is delicious and fills you up).

Tip: Put two tablespoons in a bowl with ½ cup of nut milk and wait a few minutes. Add in some berries, chopped fruit or nuts, and/or cinnamon and enjoy! This is great as an alternative to porridge for breakfast as it helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the morning.

#4 Boiled or poached eggs

Eggs are packed with nutrition and most of it is in the yolk.

They contain a lot of high-quality protein and a good amount of vitamins and minerals.

And recent research shows that the cholesterol in the yolks is NOT associated with high elevated cholesterol or heart disease risk.

Yup, you read that right!

Tip: Boil a bunch of eggs and keep them in your fridge for a super-quick (and nutritious) snack! Or make ‘omelettes’ in muffin tins for a quick, convenient snack – you could cook a batch and freeze. They microwave well if you’re fancying something warm and make a great breakfast too.

#5 Vegetables

I don’t need to tell you how great these are for you, but just maybe I need to sell you on the delicious “snackability” of these nutrition powerhouses.

Veggies contain fibre and water to help fill you up, and you don't need me to tell you about their vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, right?

You can easily open a bag of baby carrots and/or cherry tomatoes and give them a quick rinse (they’re already bite-sized). Keep these stored in the fridge for ‘emergencies’ and put them where you’ll see them first.

We make hundreds of food decisions every day and with left-over Easter eggs and hot cross buns potentially still around, there are more decisions than ever to make. Put the healthier stuff where you’ll see it otherwise you’ll go for what’s most readily available.

Tip: Use a bit of dip to make your veggies more interesting. Have you put almond butter on celery? Or tapenade or dukkha with your crudites?

If you’re trying to curb those afternoon food cravings or you need some additional support to avoid a sugar ‘free-fall’, why not join my free 5 day post-Easter reset below?

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